Perhaps my favorite picture so far! In the foreground my 7 year old sister Raissa and Eugene my 14 year old sister next to me. This picture was taken during the nightly power outage...we really didn't have much else to do, so my camera serves as constant amusement. "Film me! Show me!" It's great.

Me and Jen at Cafe UCCAO...the local JP's! The cafe serves only 100% Cameroonian coffee and a random assortment of dishes depending on what the owners wife bought in the moring. The coffee is espresso strenght and comes in a mini mismatched tea cup with two sugar cubes. Also in this picture...my fabulous micro braids with extentions!
Your hair looks like rows of corn. Come to think of it...we could maybe call it that and coin the term. Anyway, looks like tons of fun and you're getting to hang out with kids, your FAVE!
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