wooohooo. Wifi has come to my house in
(this is indeed what I am offering as an explanation of my uncommunicativeness ;)
So, this post should mark the new era of the 'nearly a post a week' phase.
Oh, and by the way, wifi when pronounced with a French accent is hilarious. My family kept telling me excitedly that we were getting weeeefeeee at the house...I think they were disappointed because it took several minutes for my enthusiasm to register!
Much has happened since my last post in (yeeks! December??). I will do my best to bring you up to speed with as little droning and as much vivacity as possible.
For those of you who may be confused (and justifiably so) about my current location, I am in
I live behind the top-right royal blue shutter of the pink house on 5, rue Montbazon with la famille Gaumain...a lovely, auburn-headed, energetic bunch.
My papa is either a psychologist, psychiatrist, physical therapist, or physio-therapist...the night they told me I was really tired and all of these words sound the same. I am currently gleaning clues from comments made at the dinner table and else-where. The most recent escapade papa told was about a crazy woman with a back problem. Very conclusive.
My maman is an artist, a maman, and a one-day-a-week elementary school art teacher. The warm aura of her artistic organized chaos is evident in the decoration of the house, the preparation of meals, and our frantic-funny conversations. We paint together every Thursday afternoon.
Jean-baptiste and Francois-Xavier (no, not Catholic saints or sword brandishing warriors) the two eldest brothers no longer live in the house. JB (we do not really call him this;) lives in Nantes with his wife and two oh-sooo-darling daughters, Blanche 18mo and Alenoir 2mo. Fix (his actual nick-name as Francois-Xavier is a mouthful) lives in Paris but his fiancee lives here in
The three daughters at the house, Anne-Edith (22), Marie-Camille (19), and Louise-Marie (15) are responsible for more than half of my improvement in French and roughly 70% of my laughter. For example, last night (during dinner) Louise-Marie and Marie-Camille were arguing about the rules of rugby. To clear up the confusion, Louise-Marie grabbed me, Anne-Edith and the remaining half-baguette and the three of us plus our make-shift ball acted out the complicated play for Marie-Camille. Then we ate the baguette with cheese for dessert.
Wow, this is already more long-winded than my intention!
Boring but necessary paragraph: My daily life in
So, traveling...
(my English profs should be proud of that classy transition)
Last week was
Humph, well I'll try again later. I'll just say that
*3 pounds = 6.08 dollars**
** and you thought starbucks was expensive
Well friends and family, I've got to run. We are having a pic-nic at the castle this afternoon, hats and your favorite chocolate required.
But don't think it's all pic-nic's and castles...I have a grammar class afterwards where we are covering the most obscure of the 16 French verb tenses!
FYI: the post starts to get really confusing below.... I had major problems with uploading pictures and formatting etc. So, directly below you will find a comentary of the pictures that follow in a thrid post. (at the beginning of the comentary, I say 'see the pictures above'. what I really mean is 'see the pictures below'.) You'll probably only want to navigate the following mess if you're family ;)